Challenge Summary
Increased idle time of the forklifts due to low utilization of the asset, is leading to increased
operational costs. Seeking a digital solution to centralize the management system and enable maximum
utilization of the forklifts.
Challenge Scenario
The forklift team manages allocation for each forklift separately and each forklift is allocated to a
specific task, that is allocated by the operations/dispatch team as well as maintenance team. Manual
allocation of the forklifts result in underutilization of the forklift parked at a site, even when the
requirement for the truck is at close proximity to the parked site. Currently the forklifts are utilized to
only 40-45%.
The system gives insights on forklift operational hours and non-operational hours and are captured through
the existing GPS based web application system. Each forklift is equipped with Teltonika FMB920 GPS tracker
(IoT) and the same is being used for capturing the data. The same can be used for further development of the
solution. Though we are able to track the historical data, we are unable to conduct prescriptive analytics
on the same to improve the utilization.
At present, a centralized system for forklift utilization management is not available. Therefore, forklifts
are operational for only 40-45% during the entire shift hours, implying that the forklift is idle during the
rest 55-60% shift hours.
The solution must be able to digitize the system so the forklift team can allocate the truck for
operations, while keeping track of utilization status and accordingly assign for the next operations. The
scope of the pilot shall be to install a digitization system for 5 forklifts.