Prediction and Optimisation of Coal Blend

Digital Core–Exploration, Mining & Blasting

Expected Pilot Duration – 3 months

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Challenge Summary

Lack of monitoring system for consumption of different types of coals
leading to unoptimised consumption and increased operational cost.

Challenge Scenario

The current system lacks monitoring of consumption of different types of coal used for
blending such as HCC, SHCC, PCI, HFCC and WCC. This leads to unoptimised mixing of
coal which in turn affects productivity and increases operational costs. Also, due to the
unorganized method of procurement of coal, the inventory required for the blend is either
under-utilized or unavailable for the golden batch production run, affecting productivity.

Profile of the end users

Coal Oven Team

Responsible for allocating & using coal blend and maintaining the coal inventory, and due to the
unavailability of a system to monitor the consumption of coal, are finding it difficult to optimise coal consumption.

Procurement Team

The procurement team is involved in purchasing coal to ensure the right amount of inventory is maintained, but the current procurement process is unorganised owing to the lack of a monitoring system.

User 3

The procurement team is involved in purchasing coal to ensure the right amount of inventory is maintained, but the current procurement process is unorganised owing to the lack of a monitoring system.

Solution Requirements

Functional requirements of the

Functional & Operational

Deployment Constraints

Monitoring the coal consumption and estimating & recommending the optimal combination of Coal Blend for consumption

Recommendation to commercial team to on when to
purchase coal, as per inventory available

Recommendation to coke oven team to blend coal to
ensure the lowest cost and maintaining coke quality.

Expected Outcomes

1. Quantified Metrics & Outcomes:
Operational KPIs/Metrics Current Value Expected Target Value
Coal Consumption 20,000 Tonne/Month 19,000 Tonne/Month
Coal Blend Cost NA 2-3% Cost Reduction(~$2/T)
2. Qualified Outcomes:
Operational KPIs/Metrics Current State Expected Target Value
Coal Consumption Under/over utilization of coal Optimal utilization of coal
Coal Blend Cost Improper maintenance of coal inventory Optimal Coal inventory maintenanace
3. ESG Impact:
ESG Metric Target State (Expected)
CO2 Emission 20% Reduction

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